Cara Menambah Penghasilan Dari Bounty Hunter

Bagi Anda yang suka berburu kripto, tentunya sudah tidak asing dengan istilah ‘stake’. Sistem ini merupakan perhitungan yang adil untuk mendapatkan jumlah koin sesuai dengan peserta yang ada. Nah, untuk blogger dan Vlogger, sebaiknya pahami lebih dahulu sebelum ikut program review ICO tertentu. Semuanya ditentukan dengan jumlah Stake yang berpengaruh dalam bounty hunter ICO.

Keahlian Anda dalam me-review akan dihargai dengan penghasilan berupa token yang nantinya bisa ditukar menjadi bitcoin (BTC) dan Ether (ETH). Kini, kesempatan meraih dolar tidak hanya bergantung pada Adsense dan sejenisnya. Tetapi review independen menjadi target besar didunia kripto, apalagi Vlogger umumnya mendapat stake lebih besar.

Bounty hunter atau pemburu hadiah adalah peserta dalam proses Initial Coin Offering (ICO) yang ikut membantu memasarkan kepada investor. Peserta akan memperoleh imbalan atau insentif berupa token/koin sesuai dengan jumlah yang ditentukan dibagi dengan total perserta yang ikut.

Aktifitas bounty hunter biasanya menggunakan platform media sosial seperti facebook, YouTube, Telegram, Twitter, dan blog. Anda bisa memilih salah satunya, tidak harus seluruh bounty program dikerjakan. Bagaimanapun, pilih lah sesuai dengan kemampuan kita. Jika ulasan yang dibuat tidak berbobot ataupun copas, kemungkinan besar tidak mendapatkan stake dan dianggap diskualifikasi.

Yang perlu dipersiapkan adalah alamat wallet ERC20 yang bisa diperoleh gratis di MyEtherWallet. Jika mengirimkan alamat wallet ETH yang ada di cryptocurrency exchange, maka tidak akan pernah mendapatkan hadiah Anda. Selanjutnya, pastikan sudah mendaftar sebagai member Bitcointalk.

TradeRiser, An Artificial Intelligence-Based Market Analysis

Since bitcoin is one of the high-selling exchanges, many people are beginning to be interested in trading cryptocurrency. December 2017, bitcoin reached the highest price in the history of crypto currency. People take market analysis data from certain sites and platforms. But this analysis is sometimes not based on valid sources and only supports certain crypto.

TradeRiser was established in the midst of a very tight crypto exchange competition. TradeRiser is one platform that uses artificial intelligence (AI) that provides analytical solutions of financial data to the public through questions and answers naturally. Continue reading “TradeRiser, An Artificial Intelligence-Based Market Analysis”

Renewable Energy Trading Protocol, P2PEP

A new startup offers projects that are considered very helpful for maintaining the environment. Peer to Peer Energy Protocol (P2PEP), an energy trading protocol that will connect clean energy producers to small and large consumers. This platform will work on the blockchain of Ethereum and burn millions PEP tokens.


P2PEP is built on Ethereum network , all transactions are done without intermediaries and will continue as torrent networks. The main mission of their project is to help the future expansion of clean renewable energy without damaging our environment.

Continue reading “Renewable Energy Trading Protocol, P2PEP”

New Platform To Speed Up Your Browser Running On Blockchain

A potential project to secure internet users, especially in terms of security. Token Online (OIO), is a unique digital asset that will secure everyone from ads, malware, and tracking scripts. This system will make the internet browsing experience more fun, tackling slow browser and secure connections. Crypto security is a huge benefit for web operators and end users.


At least until today, hacker attacks and data theft have been very unsettling Internet users. They not only steal private access, but also insert a website link that we should not to visit. Techniques like this will certainly harm users, where we feel annoyed with various pop-ups appear on the browser tabs. Continue reading “New Platform To Speed Up Your Browser Running On Blockchain”